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来源:哔哩哔哩     时间:2023-06-04 14:27:08

TED演讲者:Riley Moynes / Riley Moynes

演讲标题:How to squeeze all the juice out of retirement / 怎样活出最精彩的退休人生?


内容概要:Despite common belief, retirement takes more than financial planning. And while you may be beyond ready to go on permanent vacation, you also have to psychologically prepare for when the novelty wears off. Riley Moynes explains the four phases of retirement and offers a framework for how to avoid the inevitable pitfalls of taking it too easy in order to help you make the most of your golden years.



【1】Everyone says you have to get ready to retire financially.

人人都说你必须 为退休做好财务上的准备。

【2】And of course you do.


【3】But what they don't tell you is that you also have to get ready psychologically.

但他们不会告诉你 你心理上也得做好准备。

【4】Who knew?


【5】But it's important for a couple of reasons.

做好心理准备很重要。 原因如下:

【6】First, 10,000 North Americans will retire today and every day for the next 10 to 15 years.

首先,今天北美 有 1 万名老人退休, 未来 10 到 15 年,天天如此。

【7】This is a retirement tsunami.


【8】And when these folks come crashing onto the beach, a lot of them are going to feel like fish out of water, without a clue as to what to expect.

而当这些人 “拍在沙滩上”的时候, 他们中的很多人将会感觉 像离开了水的鱼。 毫无头绪,不知道该期待什么。

【9】Secondly, it's important because there is a very good chance that you will live one third of your life in retirement.

第二,这很重要 因为非常有可能 你生命中的三分之一 将在退休后度过。

【10】So it's important that you have a heads up to the fact that there will be significant psychological changes and challenges that come with it.

因此,重要的是, 你要有一个清醒的认识 你将会经历 显着的心理变化 以及随之而来的挑战。

【11】I belong to a walking group that meets early three mornings a week.

我参加了一个步行小组 每周有三个早晨聚会。

【12】Our primary goal is to put 10,000 steps on our Fitbits, and then we go for coffee and cinnamon buns more importantly.

我们的主要目标 是在我们的 Fitbits 上记录 10000 步。 然后,更重要的是,我们去喝咖啡 和吃肉桂面包。

【13】(Laughter and applause) So we've gotten the habit of, as we walk, we've gotten the habit of choosing a topic for discussion.

(笑声和掌声) 所以我们已经养成了这样的习惯, 在我们走路的时候, 我们选择一个讨论的话题。

【14】And one day the topic was, how do you squeeze all the juice out of retirement?

而有一天,这个话题是 怎样活出最精彩的退休生活?

【15】How's that for seven o'clock in the morning?


【16】(Laughter) So we walk and we talk, and the next day we go on to the next topic.

(笑声) 所以我们边走边谈,第二天 我们继续下一个话题。

【17】But the question stayed with me because I was really having some challenges with retirement.

但这个问题一直困扰着我 因为我当时真的面临着 一些退休带来的挑战。

【18】I was busy enough, but I really didn't feel that I was doing very much that was significant or important.

我过去已经够忙了。 但我真的不觉得 我做了很多 有意义的或重要的事情。

【19】I was really struggling.


【20】I thought I had a pretty good idea of what success looked like in a working career, but when it came to retirement, it was fuzzier for me.

在工作生涯中, 关于成功是什么样子的 我以为我相当清楚。 但当退休来临时, 想法又变得模糊起来。

【21】So I decided to dig deeper.


【22】And what I discovered was that much of the material on retirement focuses on the financial and/or the estate side of things.

我发现的是,许多 退休方面的材料 着重于金融 以及/或者财产方面的事情。

【23】And of course, they're both important, but just not what I was looking for.

当然,它们都很重要。 但不是我所寻找的。

【24】So I interviewed dozens and dozens of retirees and I asked them the question: how do you squeeze all the juice out of retirement?

所以我采访了几十位 退休人员, 我问他们如下问题: 怎样活出最精彩的退休生活?

【25】What I discovered was that there is a framework that can help make sense of it all.

我发现的是 有一个框架 可以帮助理解这一切。

【26】And that's what I want to share with you today.

而这正是我今天想 要与你们分享的。

【27】You see, there are four distinct phases that most of us move through in retirement.

你看,有四个不同 我们中的大多数人 在退休后都会经历的阶段。

【28】And as you'll see, it's not always a smooth ride.

正如你将看到的那样。 它并不总是一帆风顺的。

【29】In the next few minutes, you’ll recognize which phase you’re in, if you’re retired.

在接下来的几分钟里。 如果你已经退休了的话, 你会认识到你处于哪个阶段。

【30】And if you’re not, you'll have a better idea of what to expect when that time comes.

而如果你还没有退休, 等你退休后你会更加了解该怎么做。

【31】And best of all, you'll know that there is a phase four.

而且最重要的是,你会知道 有第四阶段。

【32】The most gratifying, satisfying of the four phases, and that's where you can squeeze all the juice out of retirement.

四个阶段里最令人高兴的, 令人满意的那个阶段, 而那正是你可以 活得最精彩的那个阶段。

【33】Phase one is the vacation phase, and that's just what it's like.

第一阶段是度假阶段, 就像度假一样。

【34】You wake up when you want, you do what you want all day.

你想起床的时候就起床, 你整天做你想做的事。

【35】And the best part is that there is no set routine.

最好的部分是 没有固定的程序。

【36】For most people, phase one represents their view of an ideal retirement.

对于大多数人来说,第一阶段代表了 他们对理想的退休生活的看法。

【37】Relaxing, fun in the sun, freedom, baby.


【38】(Laughter) And for most folks, phase one lasts for about a year or so.

(笑声) 而对于大多数人来说,第一阶段会持续 大约一年左右的时间。

【39】And then strangely, it begins to lose its luster.

然后很奇怪, 它开始失去它的魅力。

【40】We begin to feel a bit bored.


【41】We actually miss our routine.

我们实际上是在怀念 我们有规律的日常生活。

【42】Something in us seems to need one.


【43】And we ask ourselves, "Is that all there is to retirement?"

而我们问自己 这就是退休生活的全部内容吗?

【44】Now when these thoughts and feelings start to bubble up, you have already moved into phase two.

当这些想法和感觉 开始涌现出来。 你已经进入了第二阶段。

【45】Phase two is when we feel loss and we feel lost.

第二阶段是当我们感到 损失,我们感到失落。

【46】Phase two is when we lose the big five, significant losses all associated with retirement.

第二阶段我们 会感到失去了“五大损失”、 所有与退休有关的重大损失。

【47】We lose that routine.


【48】We lose a sense of identity.


【49】We lose many of the relationships that we had established at work.

我们失去了许多 在工作中建立的关系。

【50】We lose a sense of purpose, and for some people, there's a loss of power.

我们失去了目标感。 而对一些人来说,失去权力。

【51】Now we don't see these things coming.


【52】We didn’t see these losses coming, and because they happen all at once, it’s like, poof, gone.

我们没有预见到这些损失。 而且因为它们一下子就发生了。 就像,噗的一声,消失了。

【53】It's traumatic.


【54】Phase two is also when we come face-to-face with the three Ds: divorce, depression and decline, both physical and mental.

第二阶段也是当我们 和“3个D”面对面的时候: 离婚, 抑郁, 和衰老, 包括身体和精神方面的。

【55】The result of all of this is that we can feel like we've been hit by a bus.

这一切的结果 导致我们感觉 像被一辆公共汽车撞了。

【56】You see, before we can appreciate and enjoy some of the positive aspects associated with phase three and four, you are going to, in phase two, feel fear, anxiety and quite even depression.

你看,在我们能够欣赏 和享受与第 3 阶段和第 4 阶段有关的 一些积极的方面之前, 在第二阶段,你将会感到恐惧。 焦虑,甚至是抑郁。

【57】That's just the way it is.


【58】So buckle up, get ready.


【59】Fortunately, at some point, most of us say to ourselves, "Hey, I can't go on like this.

幸运的是,在某些时候 我们大多数人都对自己说。 “嘿,我不能再这样下去了。

【60】I don't want to spend the rest of my life, perhaps 30 years, feeling like this."

我不想像这样度过我的余生, 也许 30 年。”

【61】And when we do, we've turned a corner to phase three.

而当我们这样做的时候,我们已经转过 一个转角,进入第三阶段。

【62】Phase three is a time of trial and error.


【63】In phase three, we ask ourselves, “How can I make my life meaningful again?

在第三阶段,我们问自己。 “我怎样才能让我的生活 重新变得有意义呢?

【64】How can I contribute?” The answer often is to do things that you love to do and do really well.

我怎样才能做出贡献?” 答案往往是做一些 你喜欢做的事情,而且做得非常好。

【65】But phase three can also deliver some disappointment and failure.

但第三阶段也会带来 一些失望和失败。

【66】For example, I spent a couple of years serving on a condo board until I finally got tired of being yelled at.

比如, 我花了几年的时间 在一个公寓委员会任职 直到我终于厌倦了被骂。

【67】(Laughter) You see, one year the board decided that we were going to plant daffodils rather than the traditional daisies,

(笑声) 你看,有一年,董事会决定 我们要种植水仙花 而不是传统的雏菊。

【68】(Laughter) and we got yelled at.

(笑声) 而我们被骂了。

【69】Go figure.


【70】I thought about law school, thinking perhaps of becoming a paralegal.

我想到了去学法律, 我想也许可以成为一名律师助理。

【71】And then I completed a program on dispute resolution.

然后我完成了一个 关于解决争端的项目,

【72】It all went nowhere.


【73】I love to write.


【74】So I created a program called Getting Started on Your Memoirs.

所以我创建了一个项目 叫做 “开始写你的回忆录“。

【75】That program has met with "limited success."

该计划已经 有着 “有限的成功“。

【76】(Laughter) It's been a rocky road for me, too.

(笑声) 对我来说,这也是一条坎坷的道路。

【77】And I told you to buckle up.


【78】(Laughter) Now, I know all this can sound bad.

(笑声) 现在,我知道这一切 可能听起来很糟糕。

【79】But it's really important to keep trying and experimenting with different activities that'll make you want to get up in the morning again, because if you don't,

但这真的很重要 继续尝试和实验, 实验不同的活动,这将使你 想在早上再次起床。 因为如果你不这样做。

【80】there's a real good chance of slipping back into phase two, feeling like you've been hit by a bus, and that is not a happy prospect.

很可能你会 溜回第二阶段, 感觉就像你被一辆巴士撞了。 而这并不是一个令人快乐的前景。

【81】Not everyone breaks through to phase four.


【82】But those who do are some of the happiest people I have ever met.

但那些做到的人是一些 我所见过的最幸福的人。

【83】Phase four is a time to reinvent and rewire.

第四阶段是 彻底改变和重新连接的一个阶段,

【84】But phase four involves answering some tough questions, too.

但第四阶段也涉及回答 一些棘手的问题。

【85】Like what's the purpose here?


【86】What's my mission?


【87】How can I squeeze all the juice out of retirement?

我怎样才能活出 最精彩的退休生活?

【88】You see, it's important that we find activities that are meaningful to us and that give us a sense of accomplishment.

你看,重要的是 我们要找到 对我们来说 有意义的活动。

【89】And my experience is that it almost always involves service to others.

而我的经验是,它几乎 总是涉及到服务他人。

【90】Maybe it's helping a charity that you care about.


【91】Maybe you'll be like the old coots.


【92】Yeah, these folks took a booth in the local farmers market and were prepared to give their advice based on their vast years of experience to anyone who came by.

是的,这些人在当地的 农贸市场摆了一个摊位, 然后基于他们多年的经验 准备对任何一个路过的人 给出他们的建议。

【93】Or maybe you'll be like my friend Bill.


【94】I met Bill a few years ago in a 55-plus activity group.

几年前我在一个 55 岁以上的 活动小组里遇到比尔。

【95】In the summer, we golf together and walk together and bicycle together, and in the winter we curl.

在夏天,我们一起打高尔夫球 并一起散步,一起骑自行车。 在冬天,我们猫在一起。

【96】But Bill had this idea that we should exercise our brains as well.

但比尔认为我们应该 锻炼我们的大脑。

【97】He believed that there was a tremendous pool of expertise and experience in our group.

他认为 我们小组的人有 丰富专业知识和经验。

【98】And so he approached a number of folks and asked if they would volunteer to teach some of the things that they love to do to others.

因此,他联系了一些人 并询问他们是否愿意自愿 教给别人一些 他们喜欢做的事情,

【99】And almost invariably they agreed.


【100】Bill himself taught two sessions, one on iPads and one on iPhones.

比尔自己教了两节课。 一节关于 iPad , 一节关于iPhone。

【101】Because we were smart enough to know that a number of our members had been given these things as gifts at Christmas by their children and that they barely knew how to turn them on.

因为我们足够聪明地知道 我们的一些成员 已经得到了这些电子设备 作为他们的孩子 在圣诞节给他们的礼物, 而且他们几乎不知道 如何打开它们。

【102】(Laughter) The first year we offered nine programs and there were 200 folks signed up.

(笑声) 第一年我们提供了九个项目, 并有 200 人报名参加。

【103】The next year, that number expanded to 45 programs with over 700 folks participating.

第二年,这个数字 扩大到 45 个项目, 有超过 700 人参加。

【104】And the following year we offered over 90 programs and had 2,100 registrations.

而在接下来的一年里 我们提供了超过 90 个项目 并有 2100 名注册者。



【106】(Applause) That was Bill.

(鼓掌) 那是比尔。

【107】Our members taught us to play bridge and mahjong.

我们的成员教我们打 桥牌和麻将。

【108】They taught us to paint.


【109】They taught us to repair our bicycles.


【110】We tutored and mentored local school kids.


【111】We set up English as a second language programs for newcomers.

我们为新来者设立了英语 作为第二语言的项目。

【112】We had book clubs, we had film clubs, we even had a few golf clubs.

我们有读书俱乐部, 我们有电影俱乐部。 我们甚至有一些高尔夫俱乐部。

【113】Exhausting, but exhilarating.


【114】That's what's possible in phase four.


【115】And do you remember the five losses that we talked about in phase two?

而你还记得那五大损失吗? 我们在第二阶段谈到的?

【116】Loss of our routine and identity and relationships and purpose and power.

失去了我们的常规、身份、 关系、 目的和权力。

【117】In phase four, these are all recovered.


【118】It is magic to see.




【120】So I urge you to enjoy your vacation in phase one.

所以我劝你享受 你在第一阶段的假期。

【121】(Laughter) Be prepared for the losses in phase two.

(笑声) 对第二阶段的损失做好心理准备。

【122】Experiment and try as many different things as you can in phase three.

在第三阶段 实验和尝试尽可能多的 不同的事物,

【123】And squeeze all the juice out of retirement in phase four.

并在第四阶段活出最精彩的 退休生活。



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